Awards given each day with team titles!

Awards will be awarded for Individual, Combined, School & State Titles.

If we do not have participants for a division, awards may not be presented on the day of the championship, but at a later date.


For Individual Titles, we will award a title to each disciplines for both boys and girls (12 titles) and award the top 3 finishers as well (36 awards).

For the State High School Title Championship in snowboarding, we will award one School who has the combined highest points of any team for each of the 6 disciplines (6 titles) and for freeskiing, 3 disciplines (3 titles).  A school's combined points will be their 3 highest points combined in any one discipline for both boys and girls. 

Each competitor will earn points based off of their finish in their discipline(s) based off of the USASA Rulebook (p. 79), except there will be no bonus points for finishing ahead of riders (ie 1st place is 1000 points, 2nd is 900 points, 3rd is 800 points and so on).  

Example: In Rail Jam, if Duluth's best finishes include three riders who placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd, their total would be 2700 points. Teams smaller than 3 may only use their points from their 1 or 2 team riders.  If no other team has more than 2700, Duluth would become the State Champs.


Slalom Snowboard, Giant Slalom Snowboard, Boardercross, Skiercross, Halfpipe Ski, Halfpipe Snowboard, Slopestyle Ski, Slopestyle Snowboard, Rail Jam Ski, Rail Jam Snowboard