G Team puts together this Competition Information for our team members. This is not written nor approved by USASA. We give our best effort and strive to put together useful information to guide you through the competition season. However, on seldom occasions we may not have the most accurate information.

At Orientation, we will review competitions as well should you have any questions.Throughout the winter season we will also offer parent meetings to go over competition questions. Dates TBA. 

On the day of competition, coaches will meet athletes at the registration area at the ski area in the morning before the event begins. “Team Emails” will be sent prior to competitions to announce whether registration will be online or on site and any updates pertaining to the competition. The schedule for the day of the event can be found on our website or in emails prior to the competition. Please note that G TEAM does not have control over the schedules, USASA does. Schedules will be made available to you as soon as they are made available to us. 

If at anytime, your family has a question, concern, or comment, please don’t hesitate to contact G Team or your rider’s coach using the team contact info

All compeition registration is done on the USASA website 

The burden of proof is that of the athlete. It is strongly suggested that you bring your membership card and your USASA Event Registration confirmation with you when attending a riders meeting or checking in/picking up you bib. If your membership or registration is in question, you may NOT be allowed to compete.

1. Prior to the events, you will receive updates and reminders in our monthly newsletters and team emails. Please pay careful attention to updates in the event of changes.
2. Riders must also confirm with the team their participation in the events by easily confirming here at least 7 days prior to the event; this is not the same as registering for the event:  
3. Wax your board or we can at the last practice before the competition.

Coaching at Events:
Coaches will be on-hand at USASA Competitions for the Upper Midwest Alt Series, except Rail Jams. Coaches will work with their riders to prepare them for all upcoming events, including Rail Jams. Competition specific coaches will be at events to work with riders and prepare them. Competition specific refers to alpine coaches being at alpine events, freestyle coaches being at slopestyle events, halfpipe coaches being at halfpipe events and so on.
Prior to the events, coaches will be discussing with riders their schedule of events for the season. We encourage all the riders to try all the comps. USASA Rail Jams are more loosely structured and having a coach may not be as beneficial. Rider’s freestyle coaches will not be coaching at Rail Jam’s, although at USASA Rail Jams, we’ll have our “Rail Jam” coaches present; we’ll communicate as to which of these events this would be.

Supervised Riders: Riders in grades 4-12, may attend Giants Ridge, Spirit Mountain or Nationals under the supervision of Chris,  Kelsey or Jessica, as a “Supervised Rider.” Contact team for more info.